Claude Bradon generates a color generating device.

Adelbert Ames paints color swatches with his sister.

Hoyt Sherman was a graduate student at Ohio State.

Lamar Dodd studies at the Art Student's League in New York.

November 27, 1927 The University of Georgia's Finea Arts Department establishes a chair of Fine Arts within the College of Agriculture.

1928 Hugh Hodgson comes to UGA.



George Nelson writes esays highlighting European modernist architectures as a fellow of the American Academy of Rome. Using "Architectural Forum" to extol the "genius" of Frank Lloyd Wright.

Ray Kaiser is a founding member of the "American Abstract Expressionist." She leaves Hans Hoffman in 1938, but returns in 1940.

1932 The department begins in earnest with a regular course load in the Chancellor's House basement.

1932 George Nelson is studying in Europe.

1933 Fine Arts Division is officially inaugurated.

1937 Roos of Ohio State recognizes UGA's art department as beginning- 100 years after the founding of hte University. The original four concentrations are art education, commerical art, design and craffts, and drawing and painting.

1937 The school of art becomes autonomous from other schools.

1938 Dodd becomes head of the UGA art department.

1939 Mr. Crouse becomes Drama Department Head at UGA.



1940 Charles Eames and Ray Kaiser meet at Cranbrook. Ray draws Charles' chairs.

1940 Hoyt Sherman publishes "The Eye in the Arts."

1940 1st Annual Art Auction (3 years after Dodd's arrival.)

1941 The Eames move to California.

1941 $300,000 Fine Arts Building completed with a 1,500 seat auditorium. Actually listed as $450,000 according to th Alumni Report dedicated May 31.

1942 Joseph Schumpeter's "Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy" is published.

1945 Alfred Holbrook comes to Athens with 100 paintings they are placed in the basement of what was than the library, now the President's office as of 2010.

1946 MOMA Furniture leads to the "Good Design" exhibition, between the Chicago Merchandizing Mart and MOMA. (Mies Van der Rohr's exhibit alledgedly influencing Charles Eames, according to the designer in interviews later.)

1947 "Drawing by Seeing" is written by Hoyt Sherman. Erwin Breithaupt gets his MFA under Sherman at Ohio State.

1948 A temporary art barracks built in the fall for the overload Fine Arts students. Now 278 art majors, with 28 graduate students.

1948 The Eames move into their famous house.

1949 September 26. Life Magazine Article.

1949 Claude Shannon publishes his "The Mathematical Theory of Communication."

1949 Breithaupt elected President of Athens Art Association and handled the art auction.



1950  $13,750General Education Board's initial amount is received and spent on an educator's workshop.

1950 Eames films commence.

1950 Sherman lectures at teh Chicago Art Institute

1951 The Chancellor's House was demollished. to make room for the library.

1952 Dodd calls Nelson  in June, they (the 3 committee members) in October.

1952 Revamp Basic Courses into the 20,30,40 model Breithaupt and Dieball present a year long experiment and debut their work at MOMA and the Chicago Merchandizing Mart. In November  the Design Progam is started. In December, the newsletter says the committee was announced.

1952, April the 15 to 20 year plan for the Art department was made with the $250,000 dollars from the G.E.B.

May 12, 1953 lectured at UGA  according to the annual report of 1952 the advisory board proposed that in the Spring of 1952 they brought their presentation shoing it to 1,000 people including a reporter from the New York times.

May of '52 the presentatino was presented at UCLA then in Pittsburgh. April 10, at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia for the cultural olympics. Sophmore classes at UGA were then addded at UGA 121, 211, and 221

1952 Breithaupt receives a Rockefeller Grant with which he revceives his PhD at Ohio State the following year.

1953 Donor mandates brick building.

1953 April 8, 1953 "Research and Creativity" presented by Lamar Dodd in Mississippi.

1953 Sherman's "Drawing by Seeing" published (check this versus 1947)

1953 The Georgia Museum "takes over the library."

1954 Rudolph publishes a book on Art and Perception.

1954 Lamar Dodd becomes the President of CAA

1955 "A Tale of a Room" criticized in 1955.

1954-55 Harvard Fine Arts committee visits, and the USIA European tour.

1955 Carnegie Coporation sponsors the slide program.

1958 THe Georgia Museum of Art moves form the full ex-library to the art building.

1958 (Eames film for his India Report debuts)

1957 "The Information Machine" made and debuts in 1958 at the World's Fair.

1959 Moscow Exhibition (called an Information Machine)

1959 CBS airs "The Fabulous Fifties"

1959 Carnegie Slides Debut



1960 THe Art X Materials are still being discussed as having minor revisions to the curricula

1961 June McFee publishes perceptual learning theories but fails to mentions Sherman's work

1961 The plan for the "new building" was reduced by half, in this year the art school "vacates" the fine art building.

1962 Eames in Seattle, U.S. Science exhibit "House of Science"

1963 New Art Building dedicated at Georgia on January 21, 1963

1964 IBM Ovoid for the New York World Fair, which was revised in 1965

1965 Alvin Toffler publishes "The Culture Consumers"

1967 UGA's art department files to become a seperate school

1967 Cseky Building houses a new fabric department

1967 Herbert made 2 motion pictures

1967 "Turning Point" report claims that they are on the path laid out in the 30's.

1968 "Babbage" "Powers of 10" "Man's view of himself"

1969 Bill Paul was hired to teach art 120, as Breithaupt's teaching assistant he had taken it as a student but thought it was silly but interesting. Erwin thought it was funny that he burnt the slides. What he saw mostly was packing crates.

He came as a student in 1956 Bob Nix was in the audience for "The Burnt Toast"

Chancellor's house became the Bishop House which was a highschool in 51 and 52.



1970 Lamar Dodd sees the department in crisis, the oversight is too bureuacrativ and these is too little money

1972 Sherman and McWhinnie do an experiment which McWhinnie writes up detailing the history of the flash lab up to that point. Sherman retires

1971 Eames make the "Clown College" film

The seventies represent an end to architecture for Nelson.

1978 "Drawing on the Right Side of the breain" by Betty Edwards is published and Charles Eames dies.



1980 Smithsonian interviews Ray Kaiser

1983 McWhinnie drafts his paper on Sherman's method published in Leonard in 1989

1986 Nelson Dies



1996 Art school named after Lamar Dodd



2010 Digme became ART X.




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